Instagram - begging for likes and attention. I don't want to say that Insta is destroying photography. But it can destroy the photographer. So i decided to break out of this bizarre phenomenom and stopped feeding my account.

OK. Forget it. Made my Peace with this platform. It´s all about the mindest. So let´s go!


Update: I have permanently left Instagram and deleted my account.

Update II: I made a "Project Account" exclusive for my "Oh! seven Eleven" project. 

Update III: Another Project Account called Urban Recordings.

Update IV: My Nature and Travel Account called Nature__Recordings.


Insta and me. Just a Love/Hate Relationship.


On an average day, 80 million photos are shared on Instagram. An unbelievable flood of images. My thoughts were, if you print all these pictures, and each print weighs only ten grams, that would be 800 tons of paper. 

So roughly calculatetd: Here i share my 1 gram of Insta.


Oh, I forgot the hashtag: #streetphotography